5 Types of Car Accident Injuries and the Damage They Cause

types of car accident injuries

In 2020, more than 4.8 million people were injured in car-related crashes in the US. Car accidents cause different types of car accident injuries: severe or minor injuries. While a victim may recover in a few days or weeks in the case of minor injuries, it is different when severe injuries are sustained.

Severe injuries can be life-threatening and permanent. It can take months or even years before the victim fully recovers. In most cases, this not only affects the accident victim but their loved ones too.

The severity of injuries in a crash will vary depending on several factors. These may include crash speed, body position, and impact location. Crash injuries can be costly to treat and adversely affect the victim’s life. If you’re a victim of a car crash due to negligence, consider pursuing a personal injury claim.

Read on to learn the main types of injuries that occur in a car accident.


1. Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI)

Brain injuries are one of the most serious injuries people sustain from a car accident. They’re caused by either open or closed head injuries.

Open head injuries occur when one hits their head on surfaces during a crash. These injuries can bruise, fracture, or break the skull, causing trauma to the brain.

Closed head injuries don’t break or penetrate the skull, so they’re hard to identify. They occur when the brain violently collides with the inside of the skull due to the crash’s impact. Such injuries can cause brain swelling and damage the brain tissues. Traumatic brain injuries can cause lifetime disability or death.

Here are some of the symptoms to determine if you’ve brain injuries after a collision. They include:

  • Headaches
  • Dizziness or loss of balance
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Confusion or concentration problems
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Problems with speech
  • Fatigue or drowsiness
  • Convulsions or seizures
  • Weakness or numbness in the toes and fingers

The symptoms vary depending on how severe the injury is. If you have a severe traumatic brain injury, the symptoms will be severe and will appear quickly. But if the injuries are mild, the symptoms can be less severe.

It’s crucial to seek immediate medical attention even if you believe your injuries are mild.

After that, seek legal advice if someone else’s negligence caused the TBI. An accident lawyer will help you file a lawsuit to get compensation for the injuries.


2. Spinal Cord Injuries (SCI)

Spinal cord injuries are also common in severe accidents. They occur when the vertebrae or ligaments of the spine are damaged due to a huge impact.

These injuries can cause swelling, bleeding, or fluid accumulation in the spine. Hence they can result in paralysis that affects the arms, legs, trunk, and pelvic organs.

Spinal injuries can also result in problems such as;

  • circulatory and respiratory problems
  • bone density and muscle tone issues
  • joints, muscle, and nerve pains
  • fitness and wellness problems due to limited mobility
  • bladder and bowel control issues

Hence, you need quality medication to improve your spinal cord injuries. Good medication can reduce nerve cell damage and inflammation near the injury. Also, it can reduce pain and improve bladder and bowel control.

You’re entitled to compensation if you sustain SCI due to another party’s fault. You need to hire a reputable lawyer to help your file a strong case and pursue the settlement.


3. Severe Burns

Burns are among the most debilitating injuries people sustain from car crashes. These injuries are rare in car accidents, but they can cause death when they occur. They can result from;

  • getting into contact with hot metal
  • steam or hot water from a damaged radiator
  • chemicals if the cars involved carry toxic substances
  • contact with other heated elements of the vehicle

Burn injuries in auto accidents can be classified as first, second, and third-degree. These categories vary based on the severity of the injuries.

First-degree burns affect the outer layer of the skin and cause minimal damage. However, they cause pain, redness, and inflammation on the burn site. Also, they make the skin dry and peel as they heal, but with no blistering.

Second-degree burns damage the epidermis and part of the dermis. They cause blisters that become red and sore with time. These blisters might take two to three weeks to heal, depending on their severity.

If second-degree burns affect a large part of your body, seek urgent medical attention.

Third-degree burns are the most severe burn injuries you can suffer from an accident. It damages all layers of the skin and can affect body organs and bones. Since they have a high risk of complications, these injuries need emergency medical care.

Consult an attorney if you suffer severe burns due to another driver’s negligence.


4. Neck Injuries

Your neck might experience a forward or backward jerk during a car crash. This can damage your neck’s ligaments, nerves, tendons, or bones.

Neck injuries can cause pain and swell around the injured area. Also, they might result in temporary vocal cord paralysis.

The following are common neck injuries car accident victims can suffer.

  • slipped or herniated disc
  • neck sprain or strain
  • pinched nerve
  • stiff muscles and tendons
  • neck fracture or compression
  • cuts and lacerations
  • facet joint injury

Some of the symptoms of these injuries include;

  • inability to move your neck side-to-side
  • stiffness of the neck muscles
  • muscle spasms in your neck area
  • pain that moves to your shoulders or back
  • numbness or tingling in the arms
  • throbbing pain and headaches
  • tenderness in the neck

These symptoms might appear even weeks after an accident.

Ensure to be examined by a doctor immediately following a car accident. Your physician will offer the best medication to prevent long-term complications.


5. Fractures and Broken Bones

Car accident victims can also suffer broken wrists, legs, ribs, and ankles. These injuries occur when your body is thrown about or collides with an external object.

The huge impact of a collision can make the bones fracture or break. But this depends on the amount of force exerted on the born. If the force is too great, the bone breaks, but if it’s less, it can crack.

Here are the types of fractures in car accidents.

  • transverse fractures
  • oblique fractures
  • stable fractures
  • open compound fractures
  • comminuted fractures

These fractures are treated using different forms of treatment. So you should go for the right treatment depending on your fracture.


These Are the Common Types of Car Accident Injuries

In most cases, car accidents result in severe injuries. These injuries can disrupt the victim’s life and cause huge financial implications. If you’re a victim of a car crash caused by another driver’s fault, seek legal help to recover the damages.

Above are the types of car accident injuries and the damages they cause.

Are you looking for the best accident attorney in Orange, CA? At Santiago Injury Attorneys, we are at your service. We handle car accident cases and help victims get their rightful compensation.

Contact us today for a free consultation.

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